Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kiss of the Dead

Hello, I am still alive an promise to one day add the other books i've read, I know i've been lagging it, but no internet! Anyway to the problem.
Kiss the Dead
 Book number 21... what can i say about this series? That it started dying at book 16? Maybe and that i keep hoping LKH will get her shit together and write a new and exciting book worthy of Anita? Maybe. I liked the series up to the Harlequin. Now even i have hard time defending LKH, if only she tried harder. I feel the plot line is rehashed, and sometimes she drifts so fucking far that its hard to remember what the fuck really happened. I miss the days where Anita was just  plain hard ass and stuck to her guns. Now shes happy and doesn't care about anything. I like the fact that shes ok having a thousand and one boyfriends but come on at least make them part of your main story. I think in this book Nathaniel her number 2 main bf had like seven lines. I love the Nathaniel and it is because of him i read the series. Hoping for Anita to change! To not ask questions like, why did she mind sleeping with a 18 year old? or Do the cops take me seriously? To stop bitching about her height! She can't magically grow two inches get over it! You made her short fucking deal! Furthermore why you always toying with Nathaniel's life? You kill Nathaniel and I'm done with you LKH! I suggest Ms. Hamilton take a break- not the pathetic two hr break she took last time- no a real one, and think about some new plot lines and where she wants the series to go, because right now there is no direction. And stop with the random sex, please, it used to be fun when it was a guilty pleasure. Haven't you heard too much of something is bad enough? ( Spice Girls anyone?) anyway she gives it up (literally) in such copious amounts im wondering if her vagina is the circus of the damned. Its just bad, bad and  sex is never bad. But she made it bad. Its like this no one likes a gray character (hear that fifty shades of grey?) Anita either has morals or she  doesn't make up your mind. LKH make me want to read Anita again. Give your audience something to work with, have Anita chased by Olaf and a undead and were beast army, cuz now he master of the city of dallas or something and all her lovers go to protect her and she whoops ass or something like a three trimuverate convergence!!!

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