Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (og)

Bolingbroke Thinks: So my rant on the US version is mainly because I saw this first! The original swedish film is freaking amazing, although about the same running time as the US version it doesn't make you feel like you've been watching something for a decade. This film stuck to the book very well and while I did say I liked some things of the other version, you just can't compare. Noomi Rapace's costar poor lug, she totally stole the show and I want to add my favorite part of the whole damn movie. After working with Blomkvist, she decides to sleep with him and after coitus she gets up takes his blankets and says good night as if nothing and he just looks at her. Favorite part of the whole damn movie. Ridiculous I know, but my fave. Anyway, the characters are completely represented the way they are portrayed in the book. Furthermore they have an actual ending where the book finishes where its supposed while still retaining the intentional hook that Larsson leaves. Although not Salinger's fave movie or book of the series, it is sooo mine. ( I'm a sucker for starters; i.e, LOTR 1, Mummy 1, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter 1 and so on)  Bitch Please! Everyone has to rent this movie (as it is no longer in theaters) and i would also like to point out that Rapace was nominated for an Oscar for this roll! Watch this one before you watch the Swedish version, Netflix this please and then buy it and if you don't love it, I will truly be surprised. 

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