Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The 2011 version of Steig Larsson's novel of the same name, stars Rooney Mara as troubled hacker Lisbeth Salander and Daniel Craig as Mikael Blomkvist. The story although running with the same premise as the book, differs in the way they present Lisbeth and Mikael. The Plot: Mikael a disgraced journalist is asked by a wealthy company owner Henrik Vanger, to investigate a 40 year old unsolved murder case. He intices Mikael by offering him the head of Wennerstrom on a platter. Lisbeth is a twenty something year old, loner who is amazing with a computer. She is paid to investigate Mikael and so becomes further entangled in his life.   The two then meet because Mikael is having a hard time figuring out some things and decides who better to hire then the one who investigated him. From here on the two work out some arrangement and solve the case.
(I left out most of the story, we'll get to it in the book post.)
Bolingbroke Thinks: That this movie was completely ehhh.... just like that. Firstly let me get out of the way what bothered me the most; the fucking music video in the beginning. Completely unnecessary it was about ten min long and in the movie theater I could swear people we're looking at each other confused as too way a girl in oil was singing the song most people have come to associate with Snow White from Shrek. Moving on, lets talk characters. Lisbeth is a emotionally distant and tough as balls crazy hacker bitch! And that's why fans of the series abso-fucking-lutely love her! Mikael is a soft -hearted but beyond competent journalist who delivers the truth. A bit of a playboy but the only heart he has broken is probably his ex-wife. Leave it to a Hollywood writer/director/producer.. whichever, to come and fuck it up. In this remake Lisbeth is portrayed as more of an emotional mess, she is softer and more needy. I don't want to blame the actors for the bad acting skills because they we're decent actors, but why Rooney, Lisbeth needs to be tougher. She can not cry when she sees Blomkvist with Berger! Thats just not done! We all know he is a philandering buffoon! And Mikael is made out too look like a shallow, semi-stupid, almost damsel in distress type. Lisbeth saves his ass twice. I am however glad that they did not add any characters that weren't from the book, and they did kill Anita Vanger, as did the original, but it irked me more the second time around. Lets talk rape. The original GWTDT had a very strong rape scene between Lisbeth and her guardian Bjurman. There are two, the first happens in his office and he forces her to give him oral sex. Very eww, in the Swedish version Lisbeth puts up a fight in the US version non whatsoever. Which irked me in the second rape scene it was not as potent as the first although the whole butt smelling thing, truly eww, too bad she didn't fart (pink eye anyone?). however she redeems herself slightly with the justice scene and its a bit better then the Swedish version. Those are some of my main annoyances with this film. But the biggest has to be the end where Lisbeth is going to give Mikael the jacket and then sees him with Erika, and tears up! WTF!!! That totally makes her look like a wuss and a pithy little girl, I SO don't approve. Daniel Craig has a lot of butt screen time it's kind of weird. Oh last thing, strangest  thing about this movie, they never mention Erika Berger's name, Barbs and I thought we we're going crazy till my wiffey corroborated that they never mention her name and she has a good amount of screen time.  Very weird.
As movies go it wasn't all that bad, just fucking long. it was way slow in the beginning and then super speed-ed to the climactic bit, and then dribbled a bit till it sputtered and finally finished. I love the Swedish version of this film and no one can replace Noomi Rapace version of Lisbeth, too freaking awesome, however if you've read the book and watched the original version, its ok, there were some scenes that were a bit more explication than the Swedish version. But truth just wait for the dvd. Side note, have some coffee on standby.

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