Monday, January 23, 2012


Hell by Robert Olen Butler, is the last in a string of random novels that I have just picked up. I bought this novel on a whim a couple of weeks ago, the cover art caught me and just didn't let me go. It was my reading project for the week and I can honestly say that it was ... wait for it.... ehhh. just like that. Here's the skinny bitches: Hatcher McCord award winning journalist on earth is now and forever shall be in Hell. He is now anchorman of the Evening News From Hell. Although he is set with a cast were you honestly can't lose, the story does. Firstly his girlfriend is Anne Boleyn, yes that one, anyway there is so much material with that character it makes one wonder why he didn't use her to his full advantage. Firstly she stays in the apartment all the time and her ending is so weak. I think in fact that might be the downright fact. The story has potential and is so weak. He meets all these interesting and renowned people and you get excited to meet them or get to know them through Hatcher but the result is usually a major let down.  I think the saddest part of the book was perhaps the end, where he gets a chance to maybe escape and turns it down. The whole book is about his search for Heaven and when he finds it he turns it down. Why in the world would anyone do that? Why choose a life where everyone you hate is congregated in approximately the same breathing space as you? Bitch please, this book was sometimes HELL to read. (pun intended) It didn't prove to be a good time filler, more like you started it, now finish it. I hated that Hatcher had so much freedom, hated that he got to roam around Hell and hated that Satan was just sitting and watching instead of taking torturous action. I think that oddly enough my biggest plight with the novel was this: If Lilith (grand matron of the succubi) had two main daughters, why on any plane of souls would she name them "Lily" or "Lulu"? I mean come on! Be creative and not half-assed. Furthermore Butler uses famous peoples names like I use toilet paper, an unnecessary amount, and it ends up like the product, flushed down the toilet, he just throws names around, talk about name dropper without any probable cause. It was not what I expected, it left me wanting more. Bolingbroke not pleased.

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