Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Original Swedish Movie)

Noomi Rapace was cast as Stieg Larsson's book character 'Lisbeth Salanger', and she became Lisbeth to a T. Computer saavy, antisocial, abused and incredibly intelligent. But, believe it or not, Lisbeth is not the main character in GWTDT, but Mikael Blomkvist, played by Michael Nyqvist.
First, I'd like to say that I did not enjoy this book. Mikael is a boring man who has exciting things happen to him, those things being Lisbeth and the Harriet Vanger case. But onto the movie, it was better than the book, loads! Even Blomkvist was likeable. Which is why I will not ruin the movie for you all. All I can say is, watch this movie before seeing the US remake. You will definitely see disappointing differences.
One being the respect and bond Blomkvist's co-workers have for each other.

Lisbeth's intelligence astounds you, and her friends are funnier.
Sven-Bertil Taube, Henrik Vanger, is believable.
And lastly Erika Berger has a fucking name!
Just go watch it, mmkay.

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