Tuesday, January 3, 2012

(That's) What she said

Oi, this is Lady Badtooth Salinger, a.ka. Bobby. Me partner, Crimelord Bolingbroke did a swell job...fuck the Cockney goddamn accent! Alright, Blondie pretty much said it all, you all know me from thelebobby.blogspot.com and you know I've got a sailor's mouth. I piss and shit in your quotes and Cheerios. I'm extremely judgemental and I'm hard to please, I end up hating everything, but if I do like something, you know it's gold. Like fucking brilliant.

As Bolingbroke already said, you want us to read/watch and review something, write us a comment, or go to our respective blogs and message us there.

p.s. I'll gather up all the font, brushes etc I used and post them on the sidebar. Though I probably will not remember everything I've used..as usual.


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